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Monday, December 21, 2015


Today's math homework is PW 51 on missing factors.  Knowing the multiplication facts 0-5 really makes this assignment a lot easier. 

The science test was passed back today.  Parents are asked to sign it and return it to school.  Thanks!

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Tomorrow there will be a test on the solar system.  A study guide was given on Monday.  Parents are asked to study with their child and sign it at the top.  Returning this signed study guide is worth 5 points.

We are working our way through multiplication of simple facts.  The third graders should make a habit of practicing a little each day.

The spelling test this week is on oi/oy words.

It's the last weekend before Christmas!  Have a good one!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


It's just two days until our Christmas program.  The third graders have been asked to wear short and a bright colored tee shirt for the performances.  The 3rd and 4th grade program will be Thursday, December 10th at 1:15 and 7:15. Students are asked to be in their classrooms by 6:45 that evening.

There will be a math quiz tomorrow on telling time.  This quiz will cover telling time, elapsed time, calendar reading, and knowing a.m./p.m.

Tomorrow is also library day.  Please help your child to remember to bring back books on time so that new ones can be checked out.  Thank you!

Friday, December 4, 2015

It's Program Time!

The students have been very busy preparing for the Christmas Program that is coming up next Thursday, December 10th.

Next week marks the mid-quarter of our second grading period. Mid-quarter reports will be sent home on Wednesday.

The only homework for this weekend is reading and practicing multiplication facts.  The students have new flashcards in their take-home folders for practicing at home and school.