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Thursday, October 29, 2015


A letter went home regarding costumes tomorrow.  Students will be allowed to wear costumes to school.  Our party will be at the end of the school day.  Students are welcome, but certainly not required to bring Halloween treats.

We will have our usual weekly Reading tests in the morning.  This will include a comprehension test on Bat Loves the Night, a grammar test on action verbs, and the weekly spelling test.

Please encourage your child to read one of their RC library books this evening.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Tomorrow is library day.  Please remember to bring library books back to school so new ones can be checked out.

The students will be taking a Math quiz tomorrow.  It will cover addition and estimating 3 and 4-digit sums.  There was a review sheet for today's assignment.

The new spelling word list has a mixture of words containing both long and short vowel sounds.  The students need to apply the phonetic spelling rules for these words.  Today's spelling assignment is workbook page 74.

We are coming to the end of our Social Studies unit on citizenship and government.  A yellow study guide was sent home.  The test date is Tuesday, November 3rd.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


The students are bringing home new library books this evening.  Their homework is to read one of the books for Reading Counts and be ready to quiz on it in the morning.
Happy reading!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Tomorrow is library day!  Please be sure that library books are brought back tomorrow.  The students are also to have read two of them for Reading Counts.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Mid-quarter reports were sent home today.  Please sign and return to school. Feel free to email or call with any questions.

The children have plenty of reading material for the long weekend.  Please encourage lots of reading and some extra fact practice too.

Enjoy the weekend with your family!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Today was a testing day for our class.  The students took reading/language arts tests in the areas of comprehension, grammar, and phonics.  The students are able to see their scores directly after submitting them.  I also record the score individually in Synergy, our online grade book. Grades can be viewed at anytime by visiting the Pioneer website.

Tomorrow the third graders will be taking the Unit 1 Math test.  It covers all skills and concepts covered so far this school year.  This includes rounding, comparing, and ordering numbers.

As you know, this is a short school week.  There is no school on Thursday or  Friday.

Monday, October 12, 2015


We spent one last day on rounding numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand.  The students will have a review day tomorrow with a Unit 1 test on Wednesday.
Today's assignment was PW18.

There is a reading comprehension passage to read with questions to answer.
 Students should also finish up reading their RC books from the library so that quizzes can be taken by Wednesday when it's time for checking out new books.
Tomorrow is a testing day for the concepts and skills the students have been working on for the past week.  This includes spelling/reading long o, as well as common and proper nouns.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


NO SCHOOL for students tomorrow.  It is a teacher in-service day.

Please have your third grader do some extra reading and fact practice over the weekend.

Enjoy the great weather!


Students checked out new library books today.  They are expected to read one of the shorter RC books tonight to be quizzed on in the morning.

Spelling assignment is to write sentences for the ten words found on page 43 in the reading workbook.

In Math we are learning to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100, and 1,000.

Remember that there is no school for students on Friday!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


In Math we learned to round numbers to the nearest 10.  The homework assignment is PW17.

We read the story Pop's Bridge in our reading text book.  The students could also listen to/read this book online by going to Mrs. Girtz's (Google) Classroom.  The students know how to find this on the 3rd grade Symbaloo page.

The spelling assignment today is page 55 in the reading workbook.

Remember tomorrow is our library day!  Books need to be returned or brought back to be renewed.  The students are also expected to take Reading Counts quizzes on two of the library books that were checked out.

There is no school for Pioneer students this Friday, Oct. 9th.  It is a teacher workshop day.

Monday, October 5, 2015


Math homework is PW16.

Students also have a comprehension passage to read with questions to answer.

New spelling words have been given.  This week we focus on long o spelled oa and ow.